Friday, September 26, 2008

Chipper Jones and John McCain...

are both punks.

Chipper for not playing due to a sore shoulder, while trying to ride out a 12 point lead for the NL batting crown over Pujols. Of course, we will see if Chipper comes back after Pujols catches him with the his continued fire run towards Chipper.

McCain for just being a jackass. I can't get over the lunacy that is the McCain economic plan. To catch you up --- Earmarks are evil, I hate earmarks and will make those who try to pass them famous, ergo I will give tax cuts to rich folks and this will make the world a much better place. And this is all related to the economic crisis..., but how, John?

Also, both Obama and McCain (honestly, much more so McCain) are driving me nuts with the poor little innocent Georgia bit. Come the hell on boys, Georgia ain't your innocent little sister here. Sure, Russia took advantage of Georgia, but Saakashvili kind of went looking for it.

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