Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, at long last election day has arrived. It seems like only ten years ago that we got started on this campaign, and now the day for casting the final ballots has arrived. I hope to be able to follow the results and news as the day progresses, but given my workload today, I probably won't be able to put much thought into it until this evening.

Some of the things I'll be watching:

1. Can Obama tilt North Carolina or Indiana? Even more intriguing is the thought of North Dakota, Montana,

2. Will all of the early votes (63% of 2004 total votes) in Georgia put the state in play? Will all of these new votes translate into an upset in the Senate race, potentially pushing Chambliss out the door?

3. Will Virginia really break for Obama by more than four points?

4. How many voter fraud accusations will be made?

5. The biggest bellwether will likely be Ohio, which very recent polls seem to be showing a tightening race. McCain's ground game has ratcheted up in Ohio over the past week, so this could significantly effect the race.

6. Ballot initiatives. A Californian hate amendment, abortions being outlawed in South Dakota, etc.

7. Will Steve Kagen hold off John Gard in Wisconsin's 8th? This may not be of national import, but I did some door knocking up that way this past weekend, so I'm interested to see how it turns out.

8. How many times will I check election coverage at work today? O/U at 23.

9. How many EV's will Obama end up winning? O/U 340.

10. How many Senate seats will the Dems control (including Leiberman) after today? O/U 57.

11. How many House Seats will the Dems control after today? O/U 260

I think I would take the over on #8 and #11. #9 is really tearing me up, as one minute I'm thinking the early votes and organization will drop a sick total for Barack, like 385. The next minute, I get worried about the reliance on young voters and other constituencies who have historically high flake rates. Oh hell, I'll take the over and look like a fool when he doesn't break 300... As to number #10, I'm going with the push at 57, as I just not convinced Chambliss will lose, and Kentucky has been re-GOP-ified recently.

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