Sunday, November 30, 2008

death by shopping...

The United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1500 is chastising Wal-Mart for allowing a death on Black Friday in one of their stores.

"This incident was avoidable," said Bruce Both, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1500, the state of New York's largest grocery worker's union. "Where were the safety barriers? Where was security? How did store management not see dangerous numbers of customers barreling down on the store in such an unsafe manner?
Avoidable? No kidding! Death by shopping... that has to be seen as some kind of sick indication of our society... Wal-Mart should not be given a free ride on this, but seriously, this could have happened a lot of places from the little I've seen of Black Friday shopsotic behaviour. Can the deal be that good?

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