Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jackass Journalism Awards...

Welcome to the first ever of my sporadic awards to be given at intervals of my choosing...

"Best Op-Ed piece regarding Obama's election"

There were a number of possible nominees, including pretty much anything found in the Washington Times or the National Review (especially online). But, after searching high and low for the best opinion piece related to the recent election I found it was indeed almost the Washinton Times -- just add the Herald, found back in Daviess County. The highly esteemed and venerable Tim P. breaks out the whopping (and prayer) stick with a combination of red-baiting, ad hominem, appeals to fear, and a red herring to boot. Just a little taste for you...

Make no mistake about it: A Barack Obama-Joe Biden administration means higher taxes for everyone, vastly increased wasteful government spending, defense budget cuts, an increase in terrorism, millions more unborn babies murdered and judicial activism run amok, which will threaten the liberties of every American.

The Bible states that God ordains the leaders of all nations, whether they be good or bad. As a Christian, I have an obligation to pray for the leaders of our country, including the president, Congress and the judiciary.

Not only will I pray for safety and good health for our national leaders, but also for a miracle in their hearts and minds. I will pray for a miracle in which they will turn away from socialism and liberalism and toward the conservative path of liberty and prosperity.

Now that would be a change I could believe in.

..but you really need to read the entire thing to appreciate the beauty of this op-ed piece and to fully comprehend how this was the hands down winner for the the innagural JJA!!! Congrats Mr. Pinkham.

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