Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spitzer's Scandal...

It looks likely that Spitzer will resign following the latest political sex scandal. This one particularly stings the public's sensibilities as Spitzer had made himself out to be an ethical and moral man with the utmost respect for the law. I won't digress here into discussing the crime itself, but suffice it to say that a true slimeball politician may have made it through this scandal... Spitzer will not.

The more interesting part of the story to me was that the NYT broke this story, which after the innuendos levied on McCain a week or so ago makes one wonder if the NYT has a sex scandal desk.
The New York Times began investigating Mr. Spitzer’s possible involvement with a prostitution ring on Friday, the day after the prosecutors arrested the four people on charges of helping run the Emperor’s Club. After inquiries from The Times over the weekend and on Monday, the governor canceled his public schedule. An hour after The Times published a report on its Web site saying Mr. Spitzer had been linked to the ring, the governor made his statement.

The NYT is your source for juicy news on all of the big politicos...

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