Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Many thanks to Ohio and Texas...

for insuring that we get to witness a continuation of the Democratic nomination process.* I'm not sure that the Repubs could script it much better than the current scenario, whereby Clinton and Obama are in a heated race up to the convention.* With Clinton still slighlty on the outside looking in, we can rest assured that there will be plenty of hard hitting (and mostly below the belt) attack ads forthcoming from her camp. This is completely legit though, since Clinton has answered that "red phone", oh so many times.* This will inevitably yield a response from the Obama camp, which will, despite my hopes, probably go to the well of negativity to push back. This tit-for-tat approach will save the GOP time and money as they will get something consultants can't even really provide --- information, not about how the public may respond to certain attack methods, but actually how the public does respond. This is invaluable in what will likely be a nasty general election. I can't wait to have the airwaves blowing up with "red phone" ads from both sides in a Hillary vs. McCain general.* The other peice of great news is that we can continue to hear two moderate liberals (or as some call them sensibles) continue to try to play both the populist and the mainline corporate tunes...*

I apologize for sarcasm, I know it doesn't translate well, but I'm off my blogging game and am admittedly confounded by last evening's results.

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