Thursday, December 6, 2007

Homeward Bound...

I am heading off to Southern Indiana for the weekend. I hope to catch up with some old friends during this visit and hopefully avoid snow on the roads.

Things to do:
* Eat at Grandma's [check]- and I enjoyed it more than ever
* Drink a Bud Light [check]- but i didn't enjoy it like I used to.
* See the old gang [half check]

Things not to do:
* Discuss the intricacies of religion [check]- though this was hard.
* Fail to bow at the throne of the high school basketball gods [check] - though i did laugh on the inside about the consternation a 1-2 start was causing
* Order a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale at the local bar - [uncheck]- I asked for a Sierra without thinking about it, and got a really strange look from the Barkeep
* Cajole the old gang into repeating our old shenanigans. [check]- this was mostly safe, since I didn't see the group together.

Have a good weekend. Stay warm and involved.

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