Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rove making and reporting the news...

So Karl* has gotten the ole subpoena from Congress, which I'm sure following the Bush administration's model will mean absolutely nothing. We can, however, have some hope that Congress will continue to push on the Executive Branch to answer some questions about the attorney firings.

Additionally of note is the fact that I quickly dropped in to the fox news website and noticed that this story had not, as of this afternoon at 4, been picked up for coverage. Hmmm... We Report (some things), you decide (with slightly altered information).... I know that this isn't groundbreaking news, but I couldn't find any mention over at FoxNews. Not too suprising, since they wouldn't want one of their big news analyst's to be making the news of the day... that might look biased.

* Why is it that I always smirk when I meet a right winger named Karl? I guess I would do the same if I met one named Vladimir too.... oh wait who is the President, uh I mean prime minister of Russia?

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