Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday afternoon media blitz...

1. Today's NYT features a long op-ed on immigration from the Editorial Board. The op-ed comes to the same conclusion that any intelligent being does when discussing this topic:
But it isn’t, of course, because it ignores the fundamental question of what to do about the undocumented 12 million. A locked-down border won’t affect them. There is no way to round them up and move them out all at once. Not even the most eagerly anti-immigration candidate would dare talk about detention camps. Amnesty is a Republican curse word. So what’s the plan?

2. So, President Bush wants to help the economy with government intervention. Isn't it funny how the free-market crowd runs when the debts come due. Of note, is the fact that Bush didn't draw his proverbial "line in the sand" with regards to making his tax cuts permanent -- which shows the fear in the administration of this recession. Of course, it is possible (a big IF here) that he woke up and took the advice of economists on how to fuel the economy:

Most economists agree that tax rebates are one of the fastest ways to lift consumer spending. They also agree that stimulus measures are most efficient when aimed at low-income or middle-income people, because they are more likely than affluent people to spend any extra money rather than save it.

According to estimates several years ago by Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s, the measures that produced the biggest “bang for the buck” were increases in unemployment benefits, which produced about $1.73 in additional demand for every dollar spent. Tax rebates to all citizens generated about $1.19 for every dollar spent, while reductions in tax rates produced only 59 cents per dollar.

3. From the mongering fear in the minds of liberals department, it seems some Conservatives kind of like Obama. Or was this just a well placed Clinton media connection?

4. The obituary of the week goes to... no, not Rudy's campaign... but Bobby Fischer the crazy as a loon Anti-Semite chessmaster.

5. In the, Economist's are quirky and perverted department -- studies are being done on the business of sex.
Although all speakers at the session were careful not to draw very strong conclusions from preliminary findings, a few broad themes nevertheless emerged. In many respects, the paid-sex industry is much like any other business.
No kidding! The first profession knows about bidness!

6. Don't get me wrong, I've done stupid things while drinking in my life, but not this stupid. I know, I should be showing lots of sympathy and all, but come on -- How hard is to not tease a tiger when drunk and stoned?

7. In local news here in Madison, we are bracing for a freezing weekend, crowned by what should be a sub-zero NFC title game in Green Bay. Go Pack!

1 comment:

B.Q. Political Report said...

I think that the Bush administration embracing Keynesian economic policies is one of the funniest things yet. It is a thorough repudiation of supply-side.