Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What happens in Vegas...

Or, at this point what doesn't happen in Vegas. Some Clinton supporters are attacking the idea of worker's caucusing at the special casino caucuses. I don't normally dwell on the minutiae of campaign bickering, but I found this quote from former Prez Clinton interesting:
"I think the rules ought to be the same for everybody," the former president told more than 550 senior students at Green Valley High School near Las Vegas. "I would question why you would ever have a temporary caucus site and say only the people that work there, i.e., the people that we know are going to vote in a certain way or we think they will, (are) able to caucus."
Now you can read as little or lot into this as you like, but coming on the heals of the Culinary Union's endorsement of Obama -- I take this to be a late attempt by the Clinton camp to disrupt the plans of likely Obama supporters. I'm not sure how the rules were drawn up for these special sessions, but I know there were some restrictions along the lines of the individual having to work within 2.5 miles of the strip and being able to caucus from 11-1. This is definately a "special" event in the game of caucuses, but I don't see how this would be considered overly burdensome on other possible caucus attendees. Don't read too much into it, but I just think O might make a run at Nevada.

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