Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cards Win! Cards Win!

Nearly 5% through the season and the Cards are 6-2, which puts them on pace to win about 120 games. It is doubtful this will materialize, but the lunancy that is early season straight line projections are one of my favorite April pastimes...

For Example,

* The Tigers are on pace to lose all 162 games.
* Corey Patterson is on pace to hit 69 home runs.
* Isringhausen is on pace for 80 saves.
* The Cards starting rotation will not lose.

OK, so most of these are a bit unlikely, but it's all in good fun.

In all seriousness, the rotation (excepting Wellmeyer's desire to give up dongs) looks fairly good for as bad as it could have been. The bullpen is holding up and the defense could be worse as well. The Cards have been getting some big hits and with Pujols on base more than half the time, this is leading to significant opportunity to score some runs.

Go Cards!

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