Thursday, April 10, 2008

McCain's Foreign Policy...

Apparently, there is a battle for influence in the McCain camp between the "realists" and the "neocons." Of course, Mr. McCain who claims to be a decisive leader is not committing to either "side" in an effort to pander to as many Repubs as possible.

Philip D. Zelikow, a former top adviser to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who is not working for Mr. McCain, said it was not surprising that there were worries among the realists about the presumptive Republican nominee.

“It’s partly because McCain hasn’t settled himself in one camp, and hasn’t told Rich, you’re my man, Rich, you’re the lodestar,” said Mr. Zelikow, referring to Mr. Armitage. “But if you’re in McCain’s position, is it in his interest to settle the argument now? It’s in his interest to embrace the largest number of Republicans and not declare that he is in favor of one faction or another.”
So what is McCain's foreign policy? That is a good question, and I'm personally very interested in what line his campaign takes -- though I suspect it depends on who the opposing candidate ends up being. Against Obama, he will play more into the "realist" camp claiming the experience factor, while against Clinton, I suspect that he would pull out the neo-con arsenal to really generate good old fashioned Clinton Hate.

For someone as pro military as McCain, I have to admit I am a bit dumbfounded by his lack of a coherent foreign policy message.

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