Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thank you to Pennsylvania...

Just in case anyone was getting their hopes up that the Democratic nomination would be complete before July 1st... well the 10 point victory for Clinton yessterday pretty well ensures that we're going the distance (but not for speed - CAKE rocks).
Not to get to serious here, but does anyone really believe that this is healthy for the Democrats? McCain is walking around picking up loose cash and putting some jabs onto both candidates, while Obama and Hillary attempt to go negative in the most positive way... This could very possibly bite the Dems in the ass, and a loss in this electoral environment would be pretty significant (in a very bad way).

I know my hard left friends will say it doesn't matter, but I have to think that McCain in office for four years (at least) would probably not help our standing in the global community, and also wouldn't be as likely to reduce the body bags coming home from Iraq.

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